Hupi miettii minne seuraavaksi...
Hupi seems to think where to go next...

to the right...
or to the left...
or just straight showing his muscles this imposingly!

Taas mennään!
And here we go again!

Hupi Armanikylvyssä..
Hupi found Dogs Armani from field..
Hupi is so happy lying in his Armani-odour..

Hula menee ja Hupi tulee.
Hula goes and Hupi comes.

Luxi ja Hupi ovat paikallistaneet Löydön.
Luxi and Hupi has found It.

Luxi vielä varmistelee, onko kyseessä kuollut sisilisko, rotta vaiko peltohiiri, Hupi makaa päällä kuin varmistaen, "tää on mun löytö"!
Luxi is still checking is this dead lizard, rat or striped field mouse while Hupi is already confirming "this is my found"!
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