IF you don´t already know my photosite and wonder what it does contain, I will enclose here the whole contents of it with the filetitles and links!

Coursingpictures -file you will find photographers name under pics if taken by someone else than me. Pic above is taken by Antti Ruotsalo (Juku coursing).

Having Fun Together Indoors.

Hulapics, in his file you will find photographers name under pics if taken by someone else than me.

Hupipics, in his file you will find photographers name under pics if taken by someone else than me.

Jukupics, in his file you will find photographers name under pics if taken by someone else than me.

Luxipics, in his file you will find photographers name under pics if taken by someone else than me.

Viripics, in his file you will find photographers name under pics if taken by someone else than me.

Relatives -file is loaded with pictures which are related to my boys. Above Strippoker´s By Design.

I have also uploaded Some of my Favourite Whippets in their own site. In pic above Merci Isle Second Dawn.

Special pictures found from web you can find here. This magnificent pic is painted by Jolanda Richter.

Team Kenzongos at shows -file you will find photographers name under pics if taken by someone else than me. Pic above is taken by Minna Keronen.

Facepictures are loaded in their own site.

Newest is a file where I keep the latest pics week or two before replacing them to their individual sites.

Hulapuppies can be found here.

Hupipuppies from here.

Lelupics -file you will find photographers name under pics if taken by someone else than me.

Team Kenzongos having winterfun!

We are together here.

Viripuppies can be found from here.

Whole gang is represented in this site.

Miscellaneous pics you can find from here.

On the sofa, something Whippets are very good in!

Some showpics by Kenzongos can be seen here.

My boys are stacked here. In their files you will find photographers name under pics if taken by someone else than me. Pic above by Antti Ruotsalo.

Team Kenzongos backyard; in winter/summer...
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